The £2.5 million project will consist of 15 consulting rooms and treatment rooms. The new facility will be located next door to Froud Community Centre and the hope is that they can work together to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community.
Flex7 Presence/Absence sensors were used throughout the project. This gives users control over when they require lights on, as they need to be turned on when entering a space. Once the room or area is vacant however, lights will turn off automatically ensuring lights in the building are not left on unnecessarily.
Daylight linking and dimming sensors were installed where appropriate to make the most of natural daylight. These sensors control luminaires by monitoring light levels in a space. If natural light is sufficient then luminaires will dim down or turn off. The light level continues to be monitored and if it dips below a preset level luminaires will turn back on again.
Our Project Packing Service was used to ensure that installation went as smoothly as possible. When using this service all products are packed on a room-by-room or circuit-by-circuit basis. Each individual box is clearly labelled with the Project name, floor, area and room or circuit in which it is to be installed.
Learn more about installing lighting controls in Hospitals and healthcare environments
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