Why use flex7 plug-in light switches
Our plug-in switches were designed to make your installation as hassle-free as possible. Operating at PELV the simple RJ connection means that they can be installed in seconds. PELV (protected extra low voltage) means that no special protection is needed, and wires do not have to be buried at a certain depth within the wall.
The advantage of PELV
You may be of the opinion that installing a PELV control system is a costly and complicated exercise, and that sticking with the more familiar 230 volt option is probably best, but in reality nothing could be further from the truth. The flex7 System incorporates PELV control as standard meaning that any wiring to a connected control device, be it a switch or a sensor, requires neither mechanical nor RCD protection, regardless of cable location. Furthermore, because the link from controller to device is a factory prepared lead complete with RJ plug there’s no on-site cutting, stripping and terminating required; everything simply plugs together. In short, opting to go down the PELV route can make for a quick, easy, error free install with the added bonus of reducing materials and labour.

Quick and easy plug-in connection
Since their inception in 2003, all flex7 sensor heads have incorporated RJ connectivity and operated at PELV; a feature which has been very well received. However when it comes to a switch lead, one end plugs into the controller (in exactly the same way as a sensor lead), but the third party switch at the other end is invariably a standard catalogue product from one of the mainstream accessory manufacturers and has to be connected using the time honoured method of screwed terminals. It still operates at PELV (5 volt in this instance) courtesy of the controller upstream, but is no quicker to physically connect up than any common or garden switch.
This problem has now been solved with the advent of our plug-in switches; one end of your lead plugs into your control device, the other into your switch and voila your installation is complete.
Designed and manufactured in the UK
Flex7 products are designed and manufactured in the UK. We are proud members of Made in Britain.